Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Going To Offer Subscription Plan

Earlier yesterday, Activision announced that there will be a subscription plan for Modern Warfare 3, known currently as Call of Duty Elite Subscription.

The subscription will allow you to track your stats more precisely and also give you access to map packs. The subscription plan will also come with the ability to socialize with other CoD players from across different games. There will also be competitions that you can enter to win virtual and real prizes.

The price for Elite is yet to be announced, but I can't expect it to be $15/month like most are fearing. As a CoD player myself, I know I will subscribe to Elite, but only if it's about $5/month. Anything more than that, I will not pay for it. I feel bad for XBOX 360 owners as this will hurt them the most. Paying for XBOX Live and Elite is quite unfair.

I want to know though, what are your guys opinion on paying a monthly subscription for a CoD game?


  1. that sax guy is my role model in life.

  2. Haha I think major posted on the wrong post. My opinion on this is that I feel as though any content that is being created for a game should be shipped with the game. To expect players to pay extra for something that should be intrinsic to the game (like stats, bungie did this for free on their website by looking up your gamertag, give me a break. And not only breakdown by weapon but global heatmaps etc.) Basically what is being offered has already been implemented (and more!) in other games for free.

  3. I looking forward to this game.
    I think black ops not was that great...

  4. Yeah they envy MMO their monthly fees so they try to take it in completly another form of service.

  5. I would never pay a subscription to play a game.

  6. eh it's too much I think.

  7. I can't wait for the release, november though :( Sucks! Nice blog dude, followed.

  8. Its almost as its moving over from just multiplayer to a full fledged MMO damnit.

  9. Sorry had to comment again on this line: "I feel bad for XBOX 360 owners as this will hurt them the most. Paying for XBOX Live and Elite is quite unfair.". Well, atleast they will be able to play and not have their network hacked and down all the time :P

  10. Not keen on the idea of having to pay for a larger list of online extras than usual but I am looking forward to this game none the less

  11. i cant wait for mw3

  12. I will pay for a game ONCE. Screw MMOs and any other subscription-based game content... you know, imho. :]

  13. I think these big companies are getting way too full of themselves & greedy. They're going to fall, and the will always be a competitor gladly waiting to take there place.

  14. Did anyone else play the original CoD? Probably one of my favorite games ever, especially the multiplayer, they should re-release that.

  15. Its not like they are charging to play online tho ^.^

  16. I'm so sticking to battlefield..

  17. I really dont know about this one.. i will have to wait and see what people think after release first!

  18. IDK I love COD but dont want to pay just to get online with xbox live and then pay to play the game itself

  19. They should just make free online...

  20. CoD is starting to turn into WoW, soon, it'll be more addictive than Heroin...

  21. I still can't believe that Activision is going ahead with this and even more surprising are the people willing to pay for it. I just wonder what's gonna happen with Xbox, having to pay double? Oui...

  22. Its a shame, cod 4 was awesome.... now they are beyond milking it for profit. Monthly payments, that's just pathetic. Greedy fucks

  23. I'm not too sure about this one. I kinda feel like this is just the first step of making games fully subscription based like MMORPG's.

  24. Profit is the way of the lost...

  25. So this isn't just a rumor anymore? I honestly didn't think Activision would sink so low. What could they possibly offer that's new that would make people want to pay $15 a month.

    We shall see.

  26. That is stupid they are honestly going to lose money doing this

  27. Srsly... no thanks. Hope they crack MW3 fast.

  28. Seems like a bad idea to me. It's going to happen more and more often though as companies try to cash in via stuff like this. If people are willing to pay $60 for a golden lancer in gears of war on ebay, I'm sure they're willing to pay for some additional useless crap like this.

  29. In my opinion, they've been pumping out the CoD franchise for 5 games too long.

  30. I don't really know if I like this, but anyway good reporting.

  31. Hilarious, should be interesting to see Battlefield 3 take the trophy now

  32. Hmmm don't know if monthly payment would be fun.
    The series itself has a terrific solo mission and awesome multiplayer, so I think many will pass this one

  33. Not so much use out of it..but i'll still get hte MW3!


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